Election Administration

In Virginia the legislature passes the laws that govern elections. The main code in Virginia is 24.2 and is online.

This is a big topic, but in the county basically has a Department of Elections with a General Registrar and a staff. They are basically responsible for:

  • The county voter registrations, but there also come in from the DMV and from state agencies and online.
  • Managing the early voting and precincts and the absentee ballot design, printing and tabulation.
  • The hiring and selection of election officers with input from the political parties
  • The purchasing and use of the election equipment under county terms and conditions/contracts
  • Reporting to the county Electoral Board, which has oversight
  • Submitting budgets to the Board of County Supervisors
  • Working with the Commonwealth’s Department of Elections (aka ELECT) and the State Board of Elections when necessary

The above doe not cover everything, but those are the basics.

The Electoral Boards:

There are two meetings that are monthly that are open to the public. One is the local electoral board meeting and the other is the State Election Board meeting. we encourage participation or at east viewing of the videos for these meetings.